Overcoming hopelessness

Sacred Spud
2 min readOct 31, 2021
Image by author: Finding strength in Mother Nature. I noticed this sword shaped leaf on a Boronia fraseri during a recent bush walk.

Living in a time

When humanity is transforming

Through a period of self destruction,

Living in a time

When I am unable to unlearn

The knowledge

That our beautiful mother, Earth is destabilising.

The systems that supported us and nurtured us and enabled our growth

Are collapsing.

Living in a time

of utter disrespect

For our Mother Earth,

living breathing being,

And we are Her,

And therefore, we are

Disrespecting ourselves.

I feel,

I feel the sickness —

Crushing cement in my womb

Relentlessly binding knots my chest

Led-tasting stains in my throat.

I feel the sting

Of destruction in tear ducts.

I feel the chemical pips stuck in my lungs as I breath.

And I am overwhelmed, daily

By existential dread —

present underneath it all.

How do we overcome such hopelessness, such despair?

I am so grateful

For the guides

the magical blessings

That universal beings

gifted me,

Helping me find the way of Gratitude.

Appreciation that life is a gift

And every moment is precious.

Understanding life is temporary

And every breath, every heartbeat

Is a miracle.

And I remember.

And I feel

This Gratitude

These blessings —

To wake up every morning and feel the sun in my face.

To breath.

To feel the power within my heart.

I rest easy

In the Bliss of this Gratitude.

I am able to face my dragons,


And Despair

With loving tenderness,

Lifting myself out of the pits of darkness

To see light in everything

And the beauty

In every sensation

In every experience

In every blessing bestowed

And my heart is filled with faith;

All is as it should be.

Divine uniqueness

Div8ne time

Divine life

Divine existence.

I share this, with love and hope

That you may also feel that Bliss,

That Wonder,

That Gratitude,

And experience the beauty among the despair.


If you find, or have found, yourself in a dark place, please know there are people who are able to help. Mental illness is common and very treatable.

Lifeline (Aus) | 13 11 14

Kids Helpline (Aus) | 1800 55 1800

Suicide call back service

BlackDog Institute




Sacred Spud

These stories and poems are expressions, with hope to inspire (re)connection to the sacred, both within and external. We are nature.