A new beginning

Sacred Spud
Nov 11, 2020

Before light there was sound…


I honour the directions,

East, South, West and North.

I call upon the elements,

Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Aether.

I acknowledge and respect

All those who came before me,

both my own ancestors,

and the Traditional Custodians

Of the lands and waters I now call home.

Always was, and always will be

Aboriginal land.

I begin this journey

With intention.

For reconnection to spirit, I pray.

There has been too much destruction,

Too much greed and corruption.

The sacred is being desecrated,

And it continues to this day.

I feel the deep hurt

Of Pachamama,

And I’m here to take a stand.

I will not be complicit.

I shall not stay idle,

Until there is equity and justice

For ALL across this land.

And so, I will create noise.

I will exercise my voice,

Demand better, demand fair.

Until the waters flow clean,

And the air does not choke,

Until the genocide ceases

And First Nations healing can begin.

I will continue to seek change,

And with hope, I will share.

I stand for the ancients,

Who deserve all respect,

And by whom I am led.

My alliance is with mother,

And her precious gift of life.

My power stems from Shakti,

With fierce fire in my heart,

And like all creation, I am sacred.

Spud x



Sacred Spud

These stories and poems are expressions, with hope to inspire (re)connection to the sacred, both within and external. We are nature.